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Participation & outreach workshop

Edited on

25 May 2010
Read time: 3 minutes
Gdansk, 26-28 May 2010

From 26-28 May 2010 the My Generation project organised a succesful and inspiring Outreach and Participation workshop in Gdansk. Everybody present could experience REAL CO-CREATION, young people making plans together with the professionals.

Now available are the Microsoft Office document icon Download My Generation – Draft minutes Outreach workshop – Gdansk May 2010 (6.83 MB)!

The minutes include links to all interesting documents related to the Gdansk workshop.

Interesting information can be found about Youth Participation, progress in the Local Action Plans and Spidergrams (self-evaluation tool), Interesting Study Visit reports and conclusions about a New generation of youth councelling.

Workshop documents


Day 1: Youth Participation

Day 2: The Gdansk Case

LAP progress

Self Evaluation Spidergrams

Click here for a detailed Office presentation icon Download My Generation – Explanation on use Spidergram – Outreach workshop Gdansk (11.37 MB)

Study Visits

Day 3: New Generation of Youth Counselling

The Antwerp Case

Identifying local strenghts and weaknesses in the Youth Policy landscape