URBACT is looking for a Senior Audit and Finance Officer
Edited on
07 September 2022The URBACT Secretariat is recruiting a Senior Audit & Finance Officer. This is a permanent position within the Project and Programming unit.

The Project and programming unit has a broad responsibility for programme and network management and implementation. The unit is comprised of 6 staff members (including the Head of Unit) plus an intern. The appointed person will be responsible for audit and finance tasks as well as tasks relating to programming and budget. In addition the Senior Officer will support the Head of Unit in tasks related to coordination, planning and monitoring of workflows relating to programme and project management.
Main tasks for this position include :
A) General Responsibilities
B) Work Area 1 – Programme Management
C) Work Area 2 – Budget Management
D) Work Area 3 – Audit and Control
E) Work Area 4 – Support to Head of Unit
F) Work Area 5 – URBACT IV Programming
Please click here for the full job description.
Interested applicants are invited to send their applications in English in the form of a Europass CV and a cover letter outlining their relevant experience for the post, their motivation and their strengths that will enable them to carry out the proposed assignment. Supporting documents such as diplomas or references may be requested later.
Applicants are invited to send their application by e-mail to Adele BUCELLA, Head of Unit Projects and Programming a.bucella@urbact.eu and Thierry PICQUART, Head of Unit - Administration & Coordination t.picquart@urbact.eu
Applications must be submitted before 2 October 2022 at midnight CET.
It is recommended to transmit the application file as soon as possible because the URBACT Secretariat reserves the right to close the recruitment procedure before the closing date, depending on the applications received.
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