Global Goals for Cities event in Manresa (Barcelona)
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21 September 2022On September 22 and 23, 2022, Manresa (Barcelona) will host the event on Localization of global agendas and Sustainable Development Goals. The preliminary program is now available.

Global Goals for Cities Manresa (Barcelona) is a URBACT face-to-face event, linked to the localization of global agendas and, especially, of the SDGs in cities. It will be held at the Fundació Universitària del Bages (see on the map) on 22 and 23 September 2022.
The meeting is associated with the URBACT network "Global Goal for Cities" and has a global, multilevel and multilateral perspective, from which to highlight the role of local governments and municipalities in this task.
The event is organized by the URBACT National Point Spain and the City Council of Manresa (a city near to Barcelona), in collaboration with the International Relations Department of the Barcelona Provincial Council. It will address the localization of the global agendas and the SDGs covering the international, national, regional and local spheres. Therefore, it will have an eminently international perspective that links global and European institutions, as well as the members of the URBACT network.
The sessions will have a triple approach: exhibition, reflection and training, which will allow not only to nurture a multilevel and multilateral dialogue, but also to generate new ideas and knowledge and promote a transfer between municipalities of tools and solutions linked to the specific localization of the SDGs.
In this regard, the work that is being carried out between URBACT, UCLG and CEMR, as well as UN-Habitat or the JRC, is especially relevant, for which reason cross-training between different programs and institutions will be promoted in order to strengthen multilateral and multilevel alliances in relation to the localization of the SDGs.
Finally, the event will offer a space to show and nurture the work that is being carried out by URBACT and the URBACT “Global Goals for Cities” network.
If you have registered for the Global Goal for Cities conference, you can participate in one of the four workshops that will take place on September 22nd in the afternoon.
Register and check all the information about the workshops here.
The program is structured around an expositive and debate block, with a multilevel perspective that encompasses the global, European, national, regional and local spheres. Along with these scales, the following topics will be incorporated transversely:
- Methodologies and tools for the localization of global agendas and the SDGs.
- Awareness and citizen participation linked to the 2030 Agenda, the SDGs and their localization.
- Localization tracking indicators and reports.
- Budget alignment.
8.30-9.00 | Registration | |
9.00-9.15 | Institutional welcome |
9.15-9.45 | Inspiring speech on citizen participation in the localization of global agendas and the SDGs |
9.45-11.00 |
Colloquium: "Do we really count on citizens to decide the sustainable future of our cities?" | Colloquium between institutions
Moderator: Karma Peiró, journalist |
11.00-11.30 | Coffee break |
11.30- 12.00 | Inspirational presentation on adequate monitoring indicators in the localization of the global agendas and the SDGs |
12.00-13.15 | Round Table: “Should we base sustainable urban development on science or on intuition?” |
Moderator: Karma Peiró, journalist |
13.15-13.45 | Presentation of the URBACT GG4C network for the localization of the SDGs (under a participatory and indicator perspective) |
13.45-15.30 | Lunch break |
Small group work, combining different types of spaces and formats, linked to the work axes of the event:
- Localization monitoring indicators and reports: exposure of cases and tools
- Budget Alignment
- Localization methodologies and tools
- Awareness and citizen participation
These work groups are conceived as spaces for exchange and training between municipalities and institutions. Each of the sessions will develop exchanging and training workshops in a work table format (WorkCafé, Open Space or similar).
15.30-15.45 | Welcome and explanation of the dynamics | URBACT Spain National Point |
16.00-17.30 | Group work sessions
The second day will focus on strategic planning as an essential tool for localizing global agendas, with a special emphasis on the Urban Agenda and the different scales it encompasses. In this sense, it will be shown how Urban Agendas, from the New European Urban Agenda to the Local Urban Agendas, represent instruments that allow the SDGs to be grounded and located in cities.
For this purpose, a multilevel dialogue will be proposed, linking the different scales of application, from global to local, and showing practical examples and tools in this regard.
After these sessions, the conclusions of the workshops and work sessions of the previous day will be presented.
9.00-9.30 | Registration | |
9.30-10.00 | Inspiring talk on the importance of an urban sustainability strategy for cities. |
10.00-11.15 | Round Table: Are we strategists or firefighters? |
Moderator: Jon Aguirre, URBACT Spain National Point |
11.15-11.30 | Coffee break | |
11.30-12.45 | Exhibition of Good Practices. Municipal Urban Agendas. |
Moderator: Jon Aguirre, URBACT Spain National Point |
12.45-13.30 | Exhibition of the results of the workshops developed the day before. Discussion and conclusions | URBACT Spain National Point |
13.30-13.45 | Closing of the Conference | Valentí Junyent, Councilor of the Presidency of the Manresa City Council |
13.45-14.30 | Finger Lunch |
Submitted by Jon Aguirre Such on