URBACT Markets members visit Wrocław’s market in Nowy Targ square
Local authorities have set up a project as part of their markets offer to inform citizens of Wrocław about why healthy, organic food pays off.
Strategic Plan already bears fruits with courses for stall holders
During the process of preparing the Strategic Plan for Barcelona's Markets, stakeholders have been saying again and again that stall holders need...
Torino develops courses for traders to improve markets
Torino City Council, via its Department for Trade and Productive Activities, is already acting on URBACT Markets local action plans developing...
Suceava video promotes local crafts
Suceava (Romania) has produced a new promotional video to develop the city's commerce. The catchy sound track with locals dancing features the city's...
CSI Europe State Aid Conference in Riga
Presentation on Support Mechanisms for Engergy Efficiency in Latvia
CSI Europe - State Aid Conference in Riga
Presentation by Junona Bumelyte on Lithuania Case Study Download De_minimus_off_the_shelf_model.Lithuania_case_study.Junona_Bumelyte.02.04.14.pdf (1...
URBACT Markets readies for Wroclaw study visit
From April 3- 5, the nine cities that make up the URBACT Markets project will be taking part in a study visit to partner Wroclaw in Poland.
URBACT Markets readies for Wroclaw study visit
From April 3- 5, the nine cities that make up the URBACT Markets project will be taking part in a study visit to partner Wroclaw in Poland.