First URBACT Markets transnational meeting July 8th
Dublin hosts first URBACT Markets transnational meeting from July 8-9
Wroclaw’s to revamp Old Town market square
URBACT Markets partner Wroclaw wants to recover commercial zeal and quality urban planning with a renewed interest in markets
UN Habitat conference showcases Barcelona's best practise markets policies
Delegates told how markets can be used to transform inner city neighbourhoods and create social cohesion.
CSI Europe: Regulation Conference - Development on FIs 2014-2020 Programme
Download Reg_Conference_Presentation_-_Dev_on_FI_2014__Programme.pdf (237.94 KB) by Frank Lee, EIB, on the development on Financial Instruments...
Regulation Conference - Regulatory Framwork Research and Questionnaire Results
Download Reg_Conference_-_Regulatory_Framework_Research_and_Questionnaire_Results_-William_van_den_Bungelaar.pdf (35.47 KB) by William van den...
Regulation Conference - URBACT Update
Download Reg_Confrence_Urbcct_Update_DG.pdf (1.3 MB) to inform discussions regarding progressing the project
CSI Europe: Regulation Conference Presentation - City Development Strategy, Rick Klijberg
Download Reg_Conference_Rick_Klijberg_Presentation_13.06.pdf (6.05 MB) by Rick Klijberg, Head of Investment, Strategy and Research
CSI Europe: Regulation Conference Summary - Lead Expert
Summary of the Regulation Conference which took place in The Hague on 11th and 12 June 2013 by Lead Expert Des Gardner
CSI Europe: Regulation Conference - Presentation by Ton Overmiere
CSI Europe: Regulation Theme - Outline of purpose of project and reason involvement The Hague