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URBACT Infoday in Sweden

The Swedish Infoday took place in Stockholm on 17-18 November 2014. Participants were able to learn about URBACT, Network experiences and about...


URBACT Infoday in Greece

The Greek Infoday took place in Athens on 13-14 November 2014. Participants were able to learn about URBACT, Network experiences and about URBACT III.


URBACT Infoday in Italy

The Italian Infoday took place in Rome, Italy on 13-14 November 2014.


URBACT Infoday in the Netherlands

The Dutch Infoday took place in The Hague on 10-11 November 2014. Participants were able to learn about URBACT, Network experiences and about URBACT...


URBACT Infoday in Romania

The Romanian Infoday took place in Bucharest on 29-30 October 2014. Participants were able to learn about URBACT, Network experiences and about...


So what are the chief challenges for city governance in 21st century Europe? Fewer resources as a result of lower tax revenue and public sector cuts, combined with tough targets, for instance in relation to energy efficiency and climate change. An economic crisis lasting longer than expected (its severity varying in different parts of Europe) that is exacerbating a youth unemployment crisis. Increasing income disparities and polarisation, demographic changes including ageing and migration.
