Torino develops courses for traders to improve markets
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14 February 2017Torino City Council, via its Department for Trade and Productive Activities, is already acting on URBACT Markets local action plans developing courses for local market traders.

The council has organized free training courses for market traders to develop their local markets. 200 traders with permanent trading licences have so far joined up for the 9-hour course due to run until June on different sessions.
The courses aim to strengthen market identity by indentifying strong points and developing innovative initiatives to improve markets' competitivity and attract new customers. Traders were also presented Torino market's new web platform, especially since they will be responsible for some of its content.
Participants will also get to hear about other European cities' markets' success stories to get extra ideas how to improve their own. Other aspects of the courses taught by teachers from Torino Polytechnic will explain about legal forms of aggregation for business traders. Importantly, moderators will collect all the ideas and new proposals from the participants to help develop concrete projects.
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