Housing for all - Experiences of URBACT cities on affordable housing
What can be done to avoid evictions? How can a city provide housing to the most vulnerable groups and to the young talented people? Can low-carbon...
The 2017 URBACT City Festival... How was it?
Between 3-5 October, around 450 Festival participants discovered the 97 URBACT labelled Good Practices for urban sustainable development from across...
Humble superheroes needed
While the URBACT’s Good Practice Transfer Call is open and ahead of the launch of URBACT’s Good Practice Transfer projects, Eddy Adams considers some...
Two cities united by a love of good food
As URBACT opens its first call for Transfer Networks here’s a story of how a Good Practice from one city was adapted and transferred to a completely...
16 June 2021
ALT/BAU at the URBACT City Festival -The forgotten places - how to rebuild a sense of belonging?
Local authorities usually do not engage in areas or issues which are not in their direct ownership.
26 May 2021
After 3 years of working together is time to share, transfer and expand the knowledge that has arisen from our network. It will be a pleasure to...
19 - 20 May 2021
Final Event
Innovato-R Final Virtual Project meeting: May 19-20, 2021
The meeting will explore the results of the projects with 7 partners and their 7 local pilots.
25 May 2021
National Sharing Event Nederland : Studiereis Europa
#TimeToShare Het is tijd om te delen! De Nederlandse Transfer Netwerken delen hun bevindingen, uitdagingen en successen tijdens de bijeenkomst...
29 April 2021
C-Change - six cities, how it works and the difference it makes
The Manchester Arts Sustainability Team (MAST) started ten years ago, to explore how the cultural sector could contribute to the city’s first climate...
29 April 2021