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The 2017 URBACT City Festival... How was it?

Edited on

24 June 2019
Read time: 2 minutes

Between 3-5 October, around 450 Festival participants discovered the 97 URBACT labelled Good Practices for urban sustainable development from across Europe. Find and explore here the rich content that was produced during those days. Updates will continue during the next weeks, so stay tuned!

The Festival put the cities center-stage. The event was designed for (elected) urban practitioners, policy makers and elected representatives from all over Europe. Coming to Tallinn, they discovered the 97 Good Practices, exchanged with their representatives and learned about the URBACT programme and the Call for Transfer Networks.

Based on the idea of co-creation, capacity building and peer learning, the Festival programme was jam-packed with discovery sessions, interactive gallery walks and in-depth discussions. This diverse programme and the fascinating atmosphere of the Festival Venue - Telliskivi, the creative quarter of Tallinn – nurtured a Festival spirit of curiosity, active participation, networking and exchange.

This time, this exchange was also made visible: over 1800 personal connections were made between the Festival participants.
To continue this flow of ideas, find below the presentations, videos and pictures from each of the Festival sessions.

Have a look at:

Study visit - Discovering the Innovation and Business Centre Mektory:

Discover the URBACT Good Practices thanks to:

Dive deeper with the presentations of the thematic panels:

Promoting Entrepreneurship

Co-creating local economies:

Housing for all:

Migrants and Refugees:

Experimenting with governance:

Nature in the City:

Neighbourhood regeneration:

& URBACT Transfer Networks Workshop: