Zaregistrujte se na URBACT Festival měst 2021!
Nastal čas, aby URBACT sdílel svůj recept na transformaci měst! Připojte se spolu s námi ke 4. ročníku Festivalu měst programu URBACT – letos poprvé...
¡Ya te puedes registrar en el Festival de Ciudades URBACT 2021!
Del 15 al 17 de junio de 2021 URBACT organiza el Festival de las Ciudades (URBACT City Festival) Se trata de un evento virtual dirigido a conocer y...
13 May 2021
COVID-19 no barrier to innovation in resilient cities: How to prepare for the next big crisis
Cities are being invited to learn from leading innovative UK peers at a special national event this May.
Campaign tools to tackle discrimination and promote critical thinking in our cities
Following a seminar hosted by Rumourless Cities , Lead Expert Ruth Essex shares some thoughts on anti-discrimnation campaigning and the importance of...
Open call
This call is now closed
CALL FOR PROJECTS: Transfer Networks - Second Wave
Use the URBACT Method to understand, adapt and re-use the Good Practices that were tested in the first round of Transfer Networks!
PROJEKTAUFRUF: Städte für die 2. Runde der URBACT Transfer-Netzwerke gesucht!
Nutzen Sie die Chance, um mit der URBACT-Methode gute und praxiserprobte Beispiele aus den Transfer-Netzwerken für sich anzupassen und umzusetzen.
Appel à projet pilote : Réseau de transfert - Seconde vague
Profiter de la méthode URBACT pour comprendre, adapter et réutiliser les bonnes pratiques qui ont été testées lors du premier tour des réseaux de...
Mecanismo de Transferência UIA: cinco projetos piloto prontos para arrancar!
A Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) e o URBACT juntam-se para porem em prática as lições aprendidas com as Redes de Transferência.
UIA Transfer Mechanism: five pilot projects ready to take off!
Urban Innovative Actions and URBACT come together to put into practices the lessons learnt from the Transfer Networks.
Melgaço Pop-up Shop Transfer
Watch this fantastic video about Melgaço’s transfer experience! It beautifully captures the problems the pop-up shop practice was intended to address...