Volunteering Cities+ Quarterly Network Report 1
This is the first Quarterly Report of the second wave network “Volunteering Cities +”. It includes a comprehensive view of the Improved Good Practice...
Looking for just societies through volunteering!
Cities that face currently emerging multidimensional social needs such as elderly and children care, social isolation and depression, unemployment...
BioCanteens#2: cities engaged for food democracy and sovereignty
3 primary schools’ canteens in the city and a thousand lunches par day 100% organic and mostly local with no cost increase! That the magic of the...
Transferencia de buenas prácticas - ¿Por qué no en mi ciudad?
En "Transferencia de buenas prácticas - ¿Por qué no en mi ciudad?" se comparten las historias positivas de 23 ciudades que transfirieron y adaptaron...
¡Conoce las 7 nuevas Transfer Networks!
Cuando se encuentra una fórmula que funciona, ¡habrá que repetirla!
O que aprendemos sobre a transferência de boas práticas urbanas
O Perito URBACT Eddy Adams fala sobre a experiência e as lições da primeira geração de Redes de Transferência URBACT
La nouvelle vague des réseaux de transfert est arrivée !
Lorsque vous trouvez une formule qui fonctionne, que pouvez-vous faire à part la répéter ?!
C-Change: The Final Word
“The climate and ecological crisis is a systemic issue, rooted in global economic, social, cultural and value systems locking in unsustainable...
Rückblick: URBACT City Festival 2021
URBACTs großes transnationales Festival für Stadtmacher:innen und kommunale Praktiker:innen fand in diesem Jahr ausschließlich digital statt. Trotz...