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Work meeting 3

Edited on

23 February 2010
Read time: 2 minutes
The 3rd work meeting of FIN-URB-ACT took place on 9th and 10th of February 2010 in Edinburgh, UK. Building up on the meetings in Aveiro and Linz, the 3rd conference aimed to foster the exchange among the project partners which put all efforts in developing efficient tools of financial and non-financial consult to support SMEs. The overall topic of the meeting was: "How can cities design a favorable environment, that local banks are more active?"

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Similar to the preview meetings the work meeting 3 included a plenary session with high representatives from the European Comission, the regional and local level and two working groups sessions, one on "Support for small scalle projects " and the other one on "Support for innovative/high tech projects". In addition we had parallel working group discussions on local action plans and local support groups. We can say that the meeting itself had the character of a mix of joint discussions and small working groups. Activities on local level were shared in the discussions, problems, good practices and strategies were examined. On the last day there was a steering group meeting on financial aspects, organisational matters and procedures.


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Panel discussions on the main topic. Moderator Dr. Lottar Blatt (German Association for Housing, Urban and Spatial Development); Participants: Ms. Cindy Fökehrer (DG Enterprise Brussels), Mr. Jirka Zapletal (German Saving Banks Association Brussels), Mr. David Metcalfe (Lloyds TSB, Edinburgh), Mr. Jim Galloway ( City of Edinburgh Council), and Mr. Costel Hanta (City of Galati).

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Working group "Suppport for small scale projects"; Presentations on the topic: Survey on business needs and expectations
Presentations of Examples on the topic: "How can cities design a fovorable environment, that local banks are more active?"
Working group "Partnership between Cities and Managing Authorities"
Presentation of the Local Action Plan and Local Support Groups
Smaller group disscusion on Local Action Plans and Local Support Groups

PDF icon Download Presentation_Aveiro_Communication_Edinburgh.pdf (1.03 MB) - Anré Alexandre Costa, City of Aveiro

PDF icon Download Presentation_Kailer_Entrepreneurship_Education_at_JKU_-_FinUrbAct_Edinburgh_9-10_Feb_2010__1_.pdf (102.86 KB) - Prof. Dr. Norbert Keiler, Johannes Kepler University Linz

Working group: "Support in innovative and high-tech projects"

PDF icon Download Gerry_Baker_FIN-URB-ACT_presentation.pdf (1.36 MB) - Gerry Baker, City of Edinburgh Council

PDF icon Download Edinburgh_Chamber_of_Commerce_Fin_Urb_Act_Presentation_for_100210.pdf (128.59 KB) - John Hughes/John Hakins, Business Gateway Edinburgh

PDF icon Download Markus_Costabiei_Edinburgh_Fin-Urb-Act_HowToDetectinnovativeProjects.pdf (592.79 KB) - Markus Costabiei, tech2be Business Incubator-Linz

PDF icon Download Havva_Coskun_FIN-URB-ACT_Vortrag.pdf (3.48 MB)"- Havva Coskun, Regional Development Agency Aachen