Ulf Hägglund was a special guest of Euradionantes
During the last local group meeting in Nantes on February 20th, the lead expert of the project PREVENT Ulf Hägglund was a special guest of...
URBACT project to make urban markets keys drivers of employment and entrepreneurship, urban regeneration in new implementation phase
The URBACT Markets project starts a new challenge as it moves into the implementation phase of this European Union project aimed at using city...
EMI published an interview to our Lead Expert Ian Goldring on website and bulletin
EMI (European Metropolitan Network Institute) is an institute set up to create innovative knowledge about opportunities and challenges tackled by...
The French Ministry of Urban Affairs future URBACT III Managing Authority
"I hope that 2013 will be the year of the construction of Europe through the integrated development of our cities and the improvement of the everyday...
New URBACT Projects approved for Implementation Phase
The URBACT Monitoring Committee meeting took place under the chairmanship of Claes NILAS, Permanent Secretary of the Danish Ministry for Housing,...
Eco-Mayor Trophy Awarded to Julien Labat from URBACT Project LINKS
Julien Labat has been awarded the "Trophée des Eco-Maires" (Eco-Mayor Trophy) for his work for the URBACT project LINKS in the city of Bayonne (...
The CASH Project is Holding its Final Conference in Brussels, Belgium, on November 27-29, 2012 With a Public Conference on November 29, 2012
The CASH project worked on proposing new solutions and promoting new policies for the sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing units...
The TOGETHER Project is Holding its Final Conference in Mulhouse, France, on November 22-23, 2012
After three years of work and exchanges, the TOGETHER Project is coming to a close. Its Final Conference is taking place in Mulhouse, France, on the...
Local seminar in Nantes 20 of October
In Nantes the members of the ULSG (set up the 1st of October) have attended a local seminar about "educational success" on saturday the 20th of...
Partner Visit to Lille Métropole
The Lead Partner met with partners from Lille Métropole on 13 th September 2012.