The TOGETHER Project is Holding its Final Conference in Mulhouse, France, on November 22-23, 2012
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12 February 2015After three years of work and exchanges, the TOGETHER Project is coming to a close. Its Final Conference is taking place in Mulhouse, France, on the 22-23 November 2012.

The TOGETHER Project
The TOGETHER project, led by the city of Mulhouse in France, gathered eight cities from across Europe. It focused on developing co-responsibility for social inclusion and the well-being of all.
The project started off considering that social inclusion and well being in cities can hardly be reached without close cooperation between public authorities, citizens and private stakeholders following a principle of co-responsibility.
In a context of economic crisis, the situations of unemployment and social exclusion are more and more common. To face this phenomenon, the solutions that are needed cannot be only based on economic resources but should also take into account the citizens themselves for job creation through social links, the pooling of efforts and the seeking for innovative solutions based on local needs. So to say, the search for solutions to the crisis should be better shared between public authorities, economic stakeholders, and other actors of society.
The TOGETHER Final Conference
On 22 & 23 November 2012, the TOGETHER network will organise in Mulhouse its Final Conference which corresponds to the 2nd International Meeting of the Territories of Co-responsibility.
For more information on this event, please click here.
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