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The French Ministry of Urban Affairs future URBACT III Managing Authority

Edited on

10 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

"I hope that 2013 will be the year of the construction of Europe through the integrated development of our cities and the improvement of the everyday lives of their inhabitants." That is how the French Minister for Urban and Social Development, François Lamy, opened the URBACT Monitoring Committee meeting in Paris on January 28th 2013 and shared his wishes with the Member and partner states' representatives. The highlight of his speech was the confirmation of France's commitment to continue being the Managing Authority for the URBACT III 2014-2020 Programme.

This important decision follows the unanimous support of the European Commission and Member States for the French application. The General Secretariat for Urban and Social Development is indeed the Managing Authority of the URBACT programme on behalf of all Member and partner States of the European Union since its creation in 2002.

"URBACT should indeed continue to be the showcase of the best European cities’ initiatives with the support of the Union and the States and should become the instrument at the service of European cities for the success of the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth" said the Minister François Lamy.
He added that "the experience and dynamics of URBACT are very valuable. The exchange between European citizens is a powerful tool to meet the needs of women and men facing difficulties and living in cities."
"France will meet your expectations, and I give you my full commitment that the function of the Managing Authority will continue to be applied rigorously and in complete transparency and with all the means required in the future" concluded Mr. Lamy.

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