The CASH Project is Holding its Final Conference in Brussels, Belgium, on November 27-29, 2012 With a Public Conference on November 29, 2012
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02 December 2015The CASH project worked on proposing new solutions and promoting new policies for the sustainable renovation of social and affordable housing units across the European Union.

The CASH Project The CASH project, Cities Action for Sustainable Housing, is a network of 11 partners (10 cities and one region) led by the City of Echirolles (France).
As a contribution to the climate change issue, the network seeked to reduce the energy consumption of buildings, as well as the consumption within buildings. It looked for new solutions to renovate social and affordable housing units, in order to improve their energy efficiency (EE) and to influence users’ behavior through the involvement of citizens.
The CASH Final Conference
The CASH Final Conference will be held in Brussels, Belgium, from November 27 to 29, 2012 with the support of DG Regio. It will be built around 2 sessions: a network meeting the 27 and 28 to detail work left and post-CASH actions, and the Public Conference on the 29. This final event wants to find the best use of the coming 2014-2020 structural funds for systemic Energy Efficient renovation of social housing, with a key focus on the setting-up of key programming criteria by the multi-stakeholders’ audience, on the basis of CASH results and recommendations.
The target audience is made up of Managing Authorities , the European Commission (Geographic Desks – DG Regio, DG ENER, IEE…), EU Parliament members, European organisations as CECODHAS, Ministers and national institutions.
For more information and to register, please email Stéphanie Abrial - Echirolles elected member in charge of CASH -
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