RegGov 5th Newsletter now available!
RegGov nine partners have been working successfully for two years on integrated strategies for a sustainable development of deprived urban...
Projet WEED : Donner du pouvoir aux femmes dans les économies locales
Alors que l'Europe peine à se remettre de la récession mondiale, il n'y a jamais eu de moment plus urgent pour s'attaquer aux disparités entre les...
WEED project: Empowering women in local economies
As Europe struggles to recover from the global recession, there has never been a more urgent time to tackle the gender disparities in employment and...
Rotterdam: URBACT Case study of cities' response to the crisis
Cities are clearly on the front line when it comes to the impact of the crisis and they will play a major role in both exploring and implementing...
Jyväskylä: URBACT Case study of cities response to the crisis
Cities are clearly on the front line when it comes to the impact of the crisis and they will play a major role in both exploring and implementing...
Migration to Integration: An Opportunity Agenda For Cities
Cities of Migration showcases innovative integration practices from global cities using a fresh storytelling approach and a compelling message:...
Using Design Coding for successful and sustainable housing developments
Why urban coding is a good tool for quality in urban space, excellence in design and performance in building? HOPUS "Housing praxis for urban...
RegGov & ses Groupes de soutien local : participation au processus de développement intégré des quartiers
Que se passe-t-il dans les villes partenaires URBACT sur le terrain? Que font les Groupes de Soutien Local URBACT et comment s'organisent-ils ? Satu...
RegGov & Local Support Groups: Participation processes in integrated neighbourhood development
Whats is going on in URBACT partner cities on the ground? What is being done by the URBACT Local Support Groups and how are they organising their...
Conclusion of 6 URBACT projects: Final publications now available !
Six URBACT projects have just completed their programme of exchange and learning activities. The project partners have been working relentlessly for...