Survey on the impact of the economic crisis and the responses of URBACT cities
You are a city practitioner who wants to develop and implement responses to the crisis, in the fields of economic development, social inclusion and...
Portrait: Johannes Hahn, Commissaire européen à la politique régionale
Johannes Hahn est Commissaire européen à la politique régionale depuis février 2010. Homme politique réputé en Autriche, il a travaillé pendant...
Portrait: Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy
Johannes Hahn has been the European Commissioner for Regional Policy since February 2010. He is a well-known politician in Austria, where he has been...
Bringing down the city walls: new open innovation for new open cities
You want to find out more about the possible role of cities in open innovation. Read the scoping article on " Download Open_innovation_-...
Cities & Universities in the Economic Crisis
How Cities Can Harness the Capabilities of Universities in a Period of Economic Uncertainty? The Download WINTERS_-_RunUp_01.pdf (620.78 KB) written...
HOPUS Final Conference: Housing for Europe
HOPUS is one of the six URBACT projects that will end before summer. Its six partners worked relentlessly for two years on designing coding for...
Ageing and Employment: Old and New Challenges in a global crisis scenario
Are older people discriminated against in the labour market? And if so, why? And what can national and local policies do to promote inclusion and...
"Women and Enterprise": Interview of a member of Santiago di Compostela Local Support Group
Javier Ferrero works at the City Council of Santiago de Compostela , capital of the Galicia region in North-Western Spain and city partner in URBACT...
"Des styles de vie sains et durables" : Vidéo du projet Building Healthy Communities
A la suite de son dernier atelier de travail intitulé "Des styles de vie sains et durables" qui a eu lieu du 5 au 7 mars 2010 à Turin, le projet...
"Healthy Sustainable Lifestyles" - videoclip from Building Healthy Communities workshop
Following its last workshop entitled " Healthy Sustainable Lifestyles " that took place from 5-7 March 2010 in Torino, the Building Healthy...