Roadmap to a better Social Media Governance
How Social Media can help the collaboration between Public Administration and Citizens "There is a lot of power in people to self-organi s e around a...
Shvaćanje mogućnosti EU direktiva za javnu nabavu
Potrošio sam puno vremena posljednjih deset godina baveći se javnim nabavama i lokalnim gospodarskim razvojem. Naglasak tog posla bio je u mjerenju...
Ko Eiropas patērētāji vēlas redzēt uz sava šķīvja? AgriUrban projekts, kurā piedalās Jelgavas novada pašvaldība.
Arvien vairāk cilvēku visā pasaulē atzīst, ka pašreiz izmantotās pārtikas apgādes sistēmas, kas balstīta uz apjoma ekonomiju, sarežģītība rada...
Jelgavas novada pašvaldība piedalās URBACT programmas projektā AgriUrban
Lai uzzinātu, kā veicas, strādājot URBACT programmas projektā AgriUrban, URBACT III programmas Nacionālā kontaktpunkta koordinatore Latvijā Laura...
We need to talk about smart specialisation!
Peter Ramsden, highlights three of the recently funded Action Planning Networks – ‘In FOCUS’, ‘Smart Impact’ and ‘CHANGE’ – which, in their own way...
Realising the opportunities of EU Procurement Directives
I have spent much of the last ten years undertaking work around public procurement and local economic development. The emphasis of that work has...