Towards more human-scale mobility infrastructures
How to integrate mobility infrastructures? The classification of linear, nodal and enclosed infrastructure helps determine the best strategies to...
When is a Wasteland? A Critical Understanding of Infrastructure and Residual Spaces - by Brian Rosa
Urban peripheries in Europe tend to be disorderly landscapes, and the overlay of infrastructures often create areas depicted as ‘wastelands’. In this...
The “Green Line” project for a “green” Bistrița city
Over the last 10 years, congestion in the city of Bistri ț a has continued to worsen with an increase in the number of cars on the roads and an...
A "City Oasis" for Prešov
An open call to re-imagine an abandoned green area in a key spot of the Slovakian city
Our first newsletter is out!
Our first newsletter is out, filled with amazing variety on how our partner cities approach the topic of health and greenspaces. Truly inspiring...
What's up in Messina? National Tree Day Nov 21!
National Tree Day The National Tree day is coming and Messina will participate as usual every year, actively. The celebration is held each year on...
What's up in Suceava? - Dendrological park Sipote in remake
Some good news for 2020: dendrological park Sipote becomes municipal property in Suceava.
Rethinking the mobility infrastructure of Europe's metropolises
RiConnect is exploring more efficient, equitable, and attractive metropolitan mobility systems.
Las áreas metropolitanas europeas piensan el futuro de las infraestructuras de movilidad en Riconnect
Los días 26 y 27 de septiembre, se celebró en distintos municipios del área metropolitana de Barcelona el pistoletazo de salida a la URBACT Action...
Can nature make your city climate-resilient?
Among the headlines of summer 2017: disastrous floods in the South of England, Istanbul and Berlin, extreme water scarcity in Rome, wild fires...