What's up in Messina? National Tree Day Nov 21!
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17 November 2020National Tree Day The National Tree day is coming and Messina will participate as usual every year, actively. The celebration is held each year on the 21st November.

National Tree Day The National Tree day is coming and Messina will participate as usual every year, actively. The celebration is held each year on the 21st November.
Just to remind, last year the students of Enzo Drago School planted 21 pomegranate trees in Villa Dante, a wide urban park. With the guide of Dr. Tignino, an expert agronomist , member of the ULG, the students created a list with a QR code and identification card of all the trees planted in this green area.
But this year's celebration of National Tree Day will represent also the chance to reinforce the action of CEAM (CENTRO EDUCAZIONE AMBIENTALE Environmental Education Centre) Association of promotional campaign towards other cities to join MUNICIPALITIES CHARTER Association as guardian of Mediterranean maquis.
The Environmental Education Centre Association, which has an active role in ULG and Health&Greenspace Project, widespread the news with press article on the local Newspaper Gazzetta del Sud. The Association has been working for many years on awareness-raising and promotion campaigns of green areas and it is aiming at the defence of Mediterranean maquis, one of the main Mediterranean ecosystems, building a wider community among Sicilian municipalities so that they can become caretakers of greenspaces and, at the same time, they will be planning actions to preserve the natural richness of maquis.
This needs a strategical activity against anthropic exploitation, fire-fighting and illegal grazing, as well as for soil protection. Messina belongs to this network community and the Association has always been promoting programmes and actions; even now, during the emergency from Covid-19 its engagement has not stopped. So the National Tree Day celebration is right day to enlarge attention on environmental biodiversity and natural landscapes.
Written by Salvatora Rattazzi from our partner city Messina
Submitted by Viktoria Soos on