Neue URBACT-Veröffentlichung: Wie Städte von guten Beispielen lernen können
Eine neue Broschüre fast das geballte Wissen aus den URBACT-Transfernetzwerken zusammen und zeigt, wie Good-Practice-Beispiele von einer Stadt zur...
Agents of change - Agueda's transfer story
By Célia Laranjeira and Carla Couceiro - Environment Office, Adriana Mesquita and Paulo Brites - Culture Office, Municipality of Águeda and Aldina...
Enhancing the care of the city: Naples Transfer Story
In 2018 the city of Naples was awarded by URBACT for its model of “civic uses”, a policy tool that enables communities of citizens to manage and take...
Enabling co-governance in a post-communist city: Iași Transfer Story
As “learning city” of Civic State Transfer Network, Iași was motivated to see the good practices of the mature cities – like Naples, Barcelona and...
Sharing principles and legal tools to enable participation: Ghent's Transfer Story
The Journey of the Belgian city in the Civic eState Transfer Network, and its special exchange with Barcelona, Amsterdam and Naples
Il est temps de partager pour nos partenaires français d’Urbact !
#ItsTimeToShare! Les réseaux de transfert de bonnes pratiques se terminent après 24 mois de succès . Le 3 juin prochain à 09h30, en ligne, v ous êtes...
Venez participer au City Festival d'Urbact 2021 en ligne !
Du 15 au 17 juin, Urbact organise le Festival des Villes ! L'objectif de cet événement est de partager la recette d'Urbact sur la transformation...
From Farm to City: the global future of food policies to be discussed in A Coruña
Download here the Programme: From Farm to City On the 14th of May, the city of A Coruña (Spain) will host "From Farm to City", an on-site...