Resourceful Cities : lokale dynamiek, mondiale gevolgen.
De circulaire economie staat vandaag centraal in het Belgische en Europese overheidsbeleid. Het wordt gezien als een potentiële vector voor...
13 May 2021
COVID-19 no barrier to innovation in resilient cities: How to prepare for the next big crisis
Cities are being invited to learn from leading innovative UK peers at a special national event this May.
Le reti URBACT e il futuro delle città: sei grandi temi per il rilancio urbano nel post-pandemia
Una lettura approfondita dei temi che emergono dai nuovi Action Planning Network e dall’azione delle città italiane coinvolte, da cui emergono...
Where does cooperation stand when cities cannot meet? An update from the URBACT Secretariat.
An editorial from the URBACT Secretariat on the short and long-term impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on city cooperation.
Cum facilităm cooperarea atunci când orașele nu se pot întâlni?
Un editorial al Secretariatului URBACT cu privire la impactul pe termen scurt și lung ale crizei Covid-19 asupra cooperării orașelor.
Where does cooperation stand when cities cannot meet?
An editorial from the URBACT Secretariat on the short and long-term impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on city cooperation.
Maak kennis met het Resourceful Cities Action Planning Netwerk: ‘Urban resource center’ als kickstarter van de lokale circulaire economie
Het URBACT-project "Resourceful Cities" , is gericht op een participatieve en integrale aanpak voor de ontwikkeling van de volgende generatie...
An old fortress brings new cohesion
Cartagena (SP) has been a major naval port on Spain’s south-eastern coast for hundreds of years. After declining port activity sparked social and...
From nature lovers to nature activists
How cities are reclaiming nature for citizens (and vice versa) Last Saturday I fell asleep in the park, basking in the unexpected rays of sunshine. I...
Can nature make your city climate-resilient?
Among the headlines of summer 2017: disastrous floods in the South of England, Istanbul and Berlin, extreme water scarcity in Rome, wild fires...