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Work meeting 2

Edited on

04 November 2009
Read time: 2 minutes
The 2nd work meeting of FIN-URB-ACT took place on 28th and 29th October 2009 in Linz, Austria. The main topic of the work meeting 2 was "Access to Finance - the role of targeted financial and non-financial instruments" in order to foster urban and regional SMEs.

PDF icon Download Unterschriftenliste_Linz__final.pdf (52.01 KB)

The project partners came together in Linz to have common discussions in panel and working groups on the above mentioned topic. Beside the network partners representatives from the URBACT Secretariat, actors from the national and local level attended the meeting.

For the session dedicated to the relationship between the  Cities and Managing Authorities Mr. Martin Eyres  was invited to enrich this session with input from Liverpool on his experience with the Managing Authorities of the Structural Funds Programmes.
As being a Cultural Capital of Europe right now, Linz is ambitious in supporting creative industries. The presentations and discussions during the conference  around this topic were very interesting and fruitful.

Also on the last day a steering group meeting was held on the financial, organisational and procedural issues.

During the Meeting in Linz we presented the FIN-URB-ACT Brochure to our project partners

PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT_work_meeting_Linz__final.pdf (208.36 KB)
PDF icon Download Unterschriftenliste_Linz__final.pdf (52.01 KB)
PDF icon Download Fin_Urb_Act_Kovsca.pdf (2.42 MB) - Dr. Barbara Kovsca-Sagmeister, City of Linz
Financing of SMEs in the time of financial crisis - Prof. Dr. Norbert Keiler, Johannes Kepler University Linz
PDF icon Download Fin_Urb_Act_Silberhumer.pdf (396.14 KB) - Dr. Gerhard Silberhumer, Wirtschaftskammer Upper Austria, Start-up Service Linz
PDF icon Download PPT_Fin-Urb-Act_20091028_Hingsamer.pdf (1.03 MB) - Mag. Anita Hingshamer, Government Upper Austria
PDF icon Download FINURBACT_presentation_Eyres.pdf (290.85 KB) - Martin Eyres, City of Liverpool
PDF icon Download 2009-10_Brigitte_Grandt.pdf (2.15 MB) - Brigitte Grandt, City of Duisburg
PDF icon Download Study_Presentation_Creative_Prof.Dr._N._Kailer.pdf (777.42 KB) - Prof. Dr. Norbert Keiler, Johannes Kepler University Linz
PDF icon Download TCLW__Dipl._Ing._Spiesberger.pdf (875.59 KB) - Dipl. Ing. Georg Spiesberger, techcEnter Linz-Winterhafen
PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT_SPK_O%C3%96_Schernhuber.pdf (331.4 KB) - Mag. Robert Scherenhuber, Savings Bank Upper Austria
PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT_Doppler.pdf (161.44 KB) - Mag. Dagmar Doppler
Presentation and Discussion of Local Support Groups and Local Action Plans:
PDF icon Download Current_State_LSG_LAP_Aveiro.pdf (117.58 KB)
PDF icon Download LSG_Galati_R._Statache.pdf (138.54 KB)
PDF icon Download LSG_ROME_G._Panebianco_and_W._Nastasi.pdf (196.98 KB)