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The URBACT Tribune now online

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute


The URBACT Secretariat has produced "The URBACT Tribune", a document gathering articles written by URBACT Lead Experts. At this point, midway through the life circle of the first URBACT II projects, these articles reflect on the state of play in the URBACT projects, heavily impacted by the multiple effects of the crisis.

You will find in the URBACT Tribune articles on a variety of themes reflecting the diversity of the challenges facing European cities, which the URBACT Programme enables them to confront with the support of peer cities. Throughout the articles, several ideas return again and again: innovation, creativity, harnessing capacities, cultural transformation, opportunities, potential, cross-sectoral, cross-boundaries, etc. all key components of sustainable integrated urban development.

This document is now available online, do not hesitate to read it!

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