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Physical Urban Development


The Good Practice to be transferred through the URBAN REGENERATION MIX Transfer network is a collaborative city model that increases the participation of city residents, promotes their equal involvement and strengthens relations between the main stakeholders in urban regeneration processes. The...


This Transfer network aims to replicate the Lisbon Local Development Strategy for areas of Priority Intervention which provides the city a range of integrated tools to tackle urban poverty and empower local communities. This strategy is based on a co-governance and bottom-up participatory...


The ALT/BAU Transfer Network focuses on alternative strategies in central and historic districts of European cities to activate unused and decaying housing stock resulting from demographic, economic and social change. Based on the experiences from Chemnitz’ URBACT Good Practice “Housing Agency for...
13 December 2018

Cities and Territories of Tomorrow

Organised by the French Ministries for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition and for the Territory Cohesion, the official closure of the citizen...


Take a deep breath (or better not)

How European cities are fighting air pollution? In November 2017 the European Environment Agency (EEA) launched the European Air Quality Index...


Experimenting with governance

Innovative governance work is notable is several of the 97 URBACT Good Practices . Common themes emerge around how cities are beginning to innovate...
