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Physical Urban Development

Thriving Streets

Transforming streets to create people-friendly places. The ambition of Thriving Streets is to improve sustainable mobility in urban areas from an economic and social perspective. The premise of the Thriving Streets network is that break-troughs in sustainable urban mobility can be established...
24 - 25 October 2019

City Lab #3 Integrated Approaches

Together with EUROCITIES, URBACT is hosting a series of City Labs, which focus on the principles of the Leipzig Charter. The Lab outputs will feed...
12 - 15 June 2019

Placemaking Week Europe 2019

Thanks to STIPO, Placemaking Europe and LaMarina de Valencia, this time the annual Placemaking Week Europe will take place in beautiful Valencia!
04 - 08 June 2019

International Social Housing Festival

Following its first edition in Amsterdam, back in 2017, the International Social Housing Festival is traveling to Lyon in summer 2019.
15 - 16 October 2019

7th Informed Cities Forum

Join more than 100 urban thinkers and practitioners from across Europe in the Praga district of Warsaw (Poland) for the 7th edition of the Informed...


Local food in urban forks

Agri-food production can help with social inclusion says Miguel Sousa the Agri-Urban Lead Expert following the workshop held during URBACT City...


Fighting homelessness: the role of cities

Laura Colini, URBACT programme expert gives an overview of the Policy LAB and URBACT Knowledge Hub initiative’s collaboration with FEANTSA and the...
