EGTC Seminar: Involvement of civil society within cross-border conurbations
Develop the inhabitants' feeling of belonging to a cross-border area. Involve civil society within the cross-border public life. Those two questions...
City-hinterland co-operations. A challenge made worse by the crisis
" Download Bernd_Gassler.pdf (1.22 MB) " is an article written by Bernd Gassler, Lead Expert of the URBACT CityRegion.Net project.
Read article "Dilemmas of Integrated Area-Based Urban Renewal Programmes"
"Dilemmas of Integrated Area-Based Urban Renewal Programmes" is an article written by Iván Tosics, Lead Expert of the NODUS project.
Read REDIS Lead Expert's article : "Urban knowledge economies affected by the crisis? "
"Urban knowledge economies affected by the crisis" is an article written by Willem van Winden, REDIS project Lead Expert .
Special report: Urban Journey to the Centre of Sweden (2/2)
This is the second part of our initiatory journey to eight Swedish cities that are partners in URBACT projects . After Umeå, Gothenburg, Lidingö and...
Read Rotraut Weeber's article "Disproportional Rise of Youth Unemployment - Preventing Young People from Falling Though the Cracks"
" Disproportional Rise of Youth Unemployment - Preventing Young People from Falling Though the Cracks" is an article written by Prof. Dr. Rotraut...
Special report: Urban Journey to the Centre of Sweden (1/2)
There are bicycles everywhere, buildings that are eco-sustainable from their foundations right up to their planted roofs, and hundreds of green...
Read URBACT Thematic Pole Manager's article : "L'Aquila: Surviving the Aftershock"
Download L’Aquila Surviving the aftershock URBACT Thematic Pole Manager (4.98 MB) . An article written by Philip Stein, Thematic Pole Manager,...
URBACT on Dailymotion: view the videos of the Montpellier Annual Conference !
URBACT has now a dedicated space on Dailymotion .
Claude Jacquier's paper 'Urban governance : forging a path between complications and complexity'
In a paper presented for the symposium 'Towards New Territorial Governance' run by the European Parliament Urban Housing Intergroup on September,...