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Read article "Dilemmas of Integrated Area-Based Urban Renewal Programmes"

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09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

"Dilemmas of Integrated Area-Based Urban Renewal Programmes" is an article written by Iván Tosics, Lead Expert of the NODUS project.

The "new generation" of integrated area-based urban renewal programs aim at improving deprived areas through complex and interlinked multi-sectoral interventions, which cover not only physical and social issues but the whole range of government and governance issues. According to NODUS project Lead Expert, behind this common understanding, two sensitive dilemmas are heavily debated:

  • Should Interventions be Targeted to Deprived Areas or Not?
  • How to deal with the one-sided social structure of deprived areas?

Although it turns out that there are no clear answers on the dilemmas of urban renewal regarding area-based or horizontal interventions and how much social mix is needed at all, the joint analysis of the topics of social mix and of the area-based character of urban renewal interventions leads Iván Tosics  to some important conclusions.

To learn more on these dilemmas and on Iván Tosics' conclusions, read the PDF icon Download article-TOSICS_01.pdf (272.03 KB).

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