Portrait de Wolfgang Domian - "Inspirons-nous des bonnes idées des autres !"
Wolfgang Domian, Chef de file du projet URBACT OP-ACT est un homme de convictions. Directeur général des services de la ville de Leoben en Autriche...
Wolfgang Domian Portrait - "Let's be inspired by others' good practices"
Wolfgang Domian, Lead Partner for the URBACT project OP-ACT is a man of conviction. He is General Manager of city services for the city of Leoben ,...
Involvement of Managing Authorities in the URBACT Projects : Results from the survey
The URBACT programme strongly encourages the participation of Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes (ERDF and ESF) in projects' activities...
Urban Hotspot 2.0 - The challenge of integrating knowledge hubs in the city
Cities all over Europe are developing "knowledge hotspots" - physical concentrations of knowledge intensive or creative activity. Increasingly such...
Cruise Traffic & Urban Regeneration of Port Cities - The City of Dublin in the Spotlight!
You are interested in cruise traffic and urban regeneration of port cities: read the Download CTUR citynews N.4/2010 Dublin (1.53 MB) of the URBACT...
Jyväskylä, The Human Technology City - Interview with Mayor Markku Andersson
Branded as the Human Technology City, Jyväskylä (130,000 inhabitants) is located in Central Finland, 270 km north of Helsinki. Partner in the URBACT...
HerO Case Study - Visitor Centre World Heritage in Regensburg
Regensburg is Lead Partner in the URBACT project HerO 'Heritage as Opportunity' working on integrated and innovative management strategies for...
ESIMeC Case Study - Developing an Innovation Plan in the Ripoll River Basin
Sabadell (Catalonia-Spain) is partner in the URBACT project ESIMeC working on how cities can build closer links with employers and help them emerge...
From Creative Industries to the Creative Place – Refreshing the Local Development Agenda in Small and Medium-sized Towns
Testing how quite small cities with a rural hinterland, can generate a dynamic creative environment and creative industries is the objective of the...
Building Healthy Communities Project – Turin Local Support Group
Led by the city of Turin, Building Healthy Communities (BHC) is an URBACT project working on urban factors influencing health and opportunities for...