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Prevent - Eltern-Aktiv in Munich

“Parents-Active” is a program for parents, teachers and child care workers to improve their skills in order to cooperate in a kind of partnership.


Prevent - Stockholm ABC children focus

ABC – "All children in focus” is a general parent support program for all parents with children between 3 -12 years. The ABC-program was developed in...


Prevent - In Antwerp, Kaap to learn Dutch

The Flemish community and the city of Antwerp organize courses Dutch for new citizens. But many people find barriers to participate in these courses...


USEAct Fourth Bi/Trilateral Meeting

The 15th and 16th July 2014 will be held in Naples (Italy) the Fourth USEAct Bilateral Meeting on the theme Smart Data and visualization tools...


Report from visit to Lomza!

On June 16-18 Sara Jervfors (Head of the Diet Unit in Södertälje) from the Lead Partner and Helena Nordlund, Lead Expert visited Lomza for a...


Prevent - The Hague educational agenda

In the Hague, the municipality stimulates very early the "dynamic golden triangle" (parents,students,teachers). It encourages parental involvement...
