USEAct Fourth Bi/Trilateral Meeting
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04 February 2015The 15th and 16th July 2014 will be held in Naples (Italy) the Fourth USEAct Bilateral Meeting on the theme Smart Data and visualization tools. Buckinghamshire Business First, Riga Planning Region and Naples City Council, will take part to the meeting.

In developing localities, it is vital for a range of ‘communities of interest’ to be able to assess the range of potential development options available to them; to evaluate the relative benefits/risks associated with alternative development scenarios; and then be able to communicate with a range of wider stakeholders about what a particular development might look like.
In constrained urban areas, the situation is more complex. Debates between different ‘communities of interest’ can sometime degenerate into entrenched emotional discussions between the environmentalists (‘protecting the greenbelt’); the private sector (‘development at all costs’); and the planning function (‘the regulators’).
Discussions between these groups tend to be emotionally charged, and lack an informed evidence base. Despite the push from the private sector for development outside of the ‘urban fringe’ little or no evidence is put forward for the amount of development land, vacant commercial stock, or duration that that stock has been vacant.
In short, despite a strong drive to develop outside the urban fringe, little or no evidence is analysed or put forward to consider what options might exist to re-develop redundant buildings or utilise pockets of redundant land within the urban fringe.
These issues will be discussed during the meeting that will be held in Naples hosted by the City Council (LP of USEAct Network) with the collaboration of the University of Naples Federico II - Department of architecture, and the Interdipartimental research institute "A.Calza Bini", with the participation of the partners involved and experts involved.
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