URBACT disseminates in Nantes with city's managers
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04 February 2015Melody Houk from Urbact Secretariat has participated to the annual conference for City’s Managers of city of Nantes the 19th of June 2014. The topic was this year about innovation. She has animated with Jean-Jacques Derrien Lead partner coordinator a special workshop where she could presented the main innovative aspects of Urbact methodology about participative methods, integrative approaches and also with a kit of tools adapted to it. At the same time Jean-Jacques Derrien gave concrete examples based on Prevent project but of course more particularly about the first ideas of the future Local Action Plan of Nantes.
Participants were indeed quite interested in this very precise aspect. The role of Europe is to propose opportunities not to share experiences but also to transfer them in local realities. That’s probably why Urbact is considered as a good frame to implement new ideas.
That’s why participants were especially interested by some of the local proposals made by the Local support Group after an analysis of what already exists and inspired by the network’s life.
Let say some of these:
- Reinforcing Parents Information Points towards generalisation by emphasising the fact that they are friendly and easy to use, and by basing them on parents' real life,
- Encouraging visits of other stakeholders in Parents Information Points to facilitate interactions and develop "working together",
- Establishing an exhaustive list of the partners who should be associated in priority,
- Encouraging testimonies between parents and pupils with the establishment of « parents relais» (volunteer parents), if necessary,
- Relying on Parents Information Points,
- Creating a website for each school: starting with the assessment of experimental initiatives before considering generalisation;
- Enhancing relations with families, families' active participation in the website activity and in its use (reflection on the idea of supervisors with identification of a pair parent/teacher for a year)
- Enhancing the role of preschool in order to get to know at an early stage the institutional system, which would allow to understand and use it better,
- Producing more qualitative Welcome Handbooks that would not be limited to only practical information,
- Identifying a spot per school for meetings and support between parents on a voluntary basis,
- Regarding conviviality, enhancing moments that do already exist and that may not be shared by all those who can possibly attend,
- Organising "Neighbourhood explorations" spread out over time for families and newly arrived professionals.
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