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Work meeting 4

Edited on

18 June 2010
Read time: 2 minutes
"Access to finance for SMEs - specific approach for the modernisation of the shops and crafts in the cities". This was the topic of the 4th work meeting which took place on 15th and 16th June 2010 in Gijón. The project partners  and actors of the partners LSG, MAs, thematic experts, representatives from the URBACT Secretariat andfurthed interested actors came together in Gijón to have common discussions in open session and working groups on the  above mentioned topic.

The working meeting 4 started with an adress of welcome by the Mayoress of Gijón and the Lead Partner Aachen. On the first day representatives from the Directorate of Commercial Policy of the Ministry of Industry, Spain and from the Principality of Asturias attended the meeting. The URBACT Secretariat was represented by Mr. Jean-Loup Drubigny. Altogether we discussed the possibilities of funding and cooperation for the shops and crafts in inner cities. 

Afterwards we visited the Gijón Trade Sector in the City Center under the guidance of Carmen Moreno Llaneza, Director of the Gijon Shopkeepers' Union.

On the second day  we had parallel working group discussions, one on "Support for Small Scale Projects" and the other one on "Support for Innovative/High Tech Projects." In addition we had a common session on communication and dissemination. Activities on local level were shared in the discussions, problems, strategies and solutions were examined. The meeting itself had the character of a mix of presentations, joint discussions and small working groups. On the last day there was a steering group meeting on financial aspects, organisational matters and procedures.


PDF icon Download FIN-URB-ACT_Meeting_Gijon_DRAFT_20.4.2010.pdf (166.67 KB)

PDF icon Download Unterschriftenliste_Gijon_2___1_.pdf (51.35 KB)


PDF icon Download ALPEE_jose_luis_palacio_PWP-_PLOC-Gijon-_ENG.pdf (1.5 MB) - José Luis Palacio

PDF icon Download Gijon_Urbact_Christelle_Adant_NUEVA.pdf (1.91 MB) - Christell Adant

PDF icon Download Carmen_Moreno_PONENCIA_FIN_URB_ACT_english_version.pdf (2.47 MB) - Carmen Moreno Llaneza

PDF icon Download GGonzalo_Espina_Presentaci%C3%B3n_FIN_URB_ACT.pdf (3.66 MB) - Gonzalo Espina

PDF icon Download GIJON_cities_and_managing_authorities.pdf (307.9 KB) - Pablo de la Fuente

PDF icon Download Top_Technology_Clusters_regional___cross-border_16_06_2010.pdf (4.98 MB) - Ralf P. Meyer

PDF icon Download Top_Technology_Region_Eindhoven_-_Leuven_-_Aachen_16_06_2010.pdf (3.63 MB) - Ralf P. Meyer

PDF icon Download Linz_LAP_Positioning_Partners.pdf (712.21 KB) - Markus Costabiei

PDF icon Download Presentation Aveiro Survey GIJON 16 June (701.61 KB) - Support to SME's.

PDF icon Download GIJON_survey_on_SME.pdf (1.2 MB) - Business needs and expectations.

PDF icon Download Survey_Reims_GIJON.pdf (546.09 KB) - Access to finance for small and social businesses.

PDF icon Download Galati 2 - Communication presentation Gijon (971.62 KB) - Ramona Statache