News from our networks – 5 March 2021
Edited on
17 November 2021Here’s a quick selection of stories published by our city networks over the past week – from playmaking to EU financial tools.

The URBACT III Programme is currently supporting 46 transnational networks of cities: 23 Transfer Networks (2018-2021) and 23 Action Planning Networks (2019-2022). Don’t miss content of interest to you! Check out our quick summary of their latest news and outputs below.
From a housing agency to a living platform
Explore the transfer story of Chemnitz’s (DE) good practice ‘housing agency for shrinking cities’ that inspired Torino (IT) to launch its own platform, collecting all data and services related to housing. A more joined-up approach to urban regeneration – and a new housing services map – thanks to the ALT/BAU network.
Financing the urban commons – Part 2
How to finance the creation and upkeep of urban commons? The Civic eState network explores more opportunities under the EU structural funds and financial investment tools with the European Investment Bank.
An inspiring story of volunteering
Discover Altea’s (ES) story of volunteering within the Volunteering Cities network. Find out all about its Valencian Community award for promoting volunteering and cooperation during COVID-19 when over 4 000 people offered services, ranging from school support to food distribution.
As a step towards bringing communities together in a fast-evolving neighbourhood between the train station and city centre, the ‘Udine Play Around’ project has given residents a say in improving their own area. The Italian city of Udine has gained inspiration from the Playful Paradigm network.
Public procurement and smart cities
Famalico (PT) gained vital skills in public procurement analysis thanks to its participation in the Making Spend Matter network, and made use of urban analytics as a development driver. “[We] believe that without this project we would not be ready for the challenges that the city give to us.”
Check out the latest newsletter of the ACTiveNGOs network, sharing results of their two-year good practice transfer from Riga’s NGO House (LV) to Espoo (FI), Brighton and Hove (UK), Dubrovnik (HR), Siracusa (IT) and Santa Pola (ES).
Remembering the URBACT e-University 2020
Explore the perspective of the RiConnect network’s eight partner cities of our e-University in 2020. Their key takeaways include improved coordination with local stakeholders and a “more dynamic and fluid exchange of ideas between all partners”.
Imagine that you were given a public park to take care of! This is the case in Espoo (FI), a partner city in the Health&Greenspace network, where citizens take part in looking after 150 parks thanks to the ‘Our park’ concept launched in 2014.
We hope you, your colleagues and friends enjoy this URBACT network news round-up. Have a great weekend, whatever your plans!
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