News 03 June 2008 "The Srdu seeks for two Experts for the launch of the Urban Marketing. For a long-term and sustainable image of the inner suburbs"" "Within the framework of Operational Program FEDER "Objective 2013: join investment in urban development", the Government of the Brussels-Capital...
News 02 June 2008 "European Green week : "Only One Earth, dont waste it"" "The eighth edition of the European Green Week will be hold in Brussels on Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th June, under the heading "Only One Earth, don't...
News 27 May 2008 INTERACT Vienne recrute INTERACT Vienne souhaite recruter du personnel hautement qualifié pour les postes de IPA Project Manager, Project Manager et Administrative Officer.
News 27 May 2008 INTERACT Point Vienna is recruiting new staff INTERACT Point Vienna wishes to recruit highly qualified staff for the following positions: IPA Project Manager, Project Manager, Administrative...
News 21 May 2008 Get involved in the European Neighbours' Day on May the 27th! Lets live together better, develop a real sense of Community, Promote European citizenship. Thats the main aim of the European Neighbours' Day...
News 16 May 2008 SILENCE, integrated research project on urban noise, Final Event ! SILENCE is an integrated research project, co- funded by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission. The SILENCE project provides...
News 09 April 2008 Intercultural Cities Conference : Living through our differences As part of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 2008, the Intercultural Cities Conference will look at migration, diversity and urban life in...
News 20 March 2008 Designing the Future of the Paris Agglomeration International Consultation on the Future of Metropolitan Paris.