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Get involved in the European Neighbours' Day on May the 27th!

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

Lets live together better, develop a real sense of Community, Promote European citizenship. That’s the main aim of the European Neighbours' Day organized this year on May the 27th.

"The European Neighbours' Day is an initiative of the European Federation of Local Solidarity (E.F.L.S.). Its objective is to foster community cohesion in Europe, by creating networks for exchanges on neighbourly and community practices. 

Created in 1999 in Paris and then extended to all Europe in 2004, it is a simple principle: European Neighbours' Day is an event which occurs every year on the last Tuesday of May. Any city or town or social housing organization is welcome to participate in the European Neighbours' Day by promoting the event with the inhabitants using all the communication means at their disposal. It is then up to each resident or group of residents to organise their own party.

Through this exchange among European residents, sharing experiences and good practices, this event gives to citizens the opportunity to interact and to join in the making of Europe, an ever closer and more human European community. In 2007, the European Neighbours' Day has been celebrated in 725 cities of 28 countries and 7 millions inhabitants joined in.

According to Atanase Perifan, Founder if European Neighbours' Day and President of European Federation of Local Solidarity "European Neighbours' Day is a social catalyst and relationship cretaor, a trigger for thousands to cooperate and held each other out". "This closeness will one day secure Europe's success, it is what makes this project so wonderful" also explains Michel Delebarre, President of the Committee of the Regions.
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