News 13 November 2008 "Participate to the CECODHAS EEB conference "Energy efficiency in housing: EU tools to unlock the potential"" "CCECODHAS (The European Liaison Committee for Social Housing) and EEB (The European Environmental Bureau) organise a Conference untitled "Energy...
News 07 November 2008 European launch conference on transferring eGovernment practices to take place in Northern Ireland The City of Derry in Northern Ireland will play host to a major European conference on innovative ICT and E-Government Practice on 25 November 2008.
News 06 November 2008 Public consultation on the future of the Baltic Sea Region The Commission launched on November 3rd, 2008 a consultation on the Baltic Sea Region. It is designed for the Member States, regional and local...
News 06 November 2008 Eight cities to compete for the European Green Capital title 2010 and 2011 The competition for the European Green Capital title 2010 and 2011 has now entered its final stages. The evaluation panel has shortlisted eight out...
News 31 October 2008 Working Groups' Baseline studies online! The six Working Groups approved to continue into the implementation phase by the URBACT II Monitoring Committee on September, 26th, 2008 have set...
29 October 2008 1st Seminar - Eindhoven - October 2008 JOINING FORCES 1st seminar in Eindhoven on 29, 30 & 31 October 2008 Theme: Download EINDHOVEN - Seminar Working Document (1.2 MB)
News 28 October 2008 The Committee of the Regions organised on October 24th, 2008 the third Subsidiarity Assizes