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Working Groups' Baseline studies online!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The six Working Groups approved to continue into the implementation phase by the URBACT II Monitoring Committee on September, 26th, 2008 have set online their Baseline study.

"Each project had to produce a Baseline Study at the end of the Development phase.

The baseline study consists of the following three elements:
1.  A 'State of the Art' paper, at European level, on the topic being addressed by the project .
2. An analysis of the state of play in the participating cities including the existing needs and expertise relating to the specific issue that the project addresses.
3. A synthesis paper bringing together the issues arising from analysis of the situation in the partner cities including needs and expertise, the European State of the Art, and drawing out and focusing on the issues or sub-themes that the project will address. 

Do not hesitate to visit the Working Groups dedicated pages in URBACT website and to upload their Baseline Studies. Read more:
