2nd round of workshop planned in May 2014
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16 February 2015The 3 sub-groups of 3 cities will meet once again in April - May 2014, in another host city. Partners will have to opportunity to get to know better one of the 3 cities that works on the same kind of public space than them.
This 2nd round of workshop will be hosted by 3 new host cities, which have proposed as well a thematic focus for the workshop.
- Malaga (with Riga and Lublin): April, 24-25. Topic: "diagnosis of the uses of a public space, and how to turn it into action".
- Dresden (with Copenhagen and Pescara): May, 5-6. Topic: “Measures and approaches in order to improve the convivial use of publicly accessible (outdoor) spaces”
- Grenoble-Alpes Métropole (with Lisbon and Cracow): May, 12, 13, 14. Topic: “how to better involve inhabitants in the decision-making process”
This 2nd round of workshop will allow each sub-group to:
- discover the pilot site of the host city, and meet local stakeholders
- go in depth into a shared issue
- share experiences about the LAP drafting process.
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