Urban sports promotion for social inclusion, healthy and active living
Urban sports promotion for social inclusion, healthy and active living
Seeking answers on how to combat social exclusion through the redesign of public spaces in deprived residential areas by using the power and common language of sport, this Action Planning network found solutions through innovative urban sport actions, physical equipment and better orchestrated service delivery. Active living positively contributes to social cohesion, wellbeing and economic prosperity in cities. However, currently cities are challenged by the opposite: dramatic increase in the frequency of diseases as a result of sedentary life style and social exclusion. To tackle these challenges, European cities have invested in large scale sports facilities over the past decades. These strategies have a limited success, hence a new approach is needed: instead of ‘bringing’ the inactive citizens to the sports facilities, public space itself should be turned into a low threshold facility inviting all citizens to physical activity.
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Get in touch!
City of Loulé
Praça da República, 8104-001 Loulé
Phone +351 289 400 600

Network outputs
Kick-off meeting in July (Birmingham). Transnational meeting in November (Liepaja).
Transnational meeting in March (Rieti).
Final event in April (Loule).
Integrated Action Plans
Within an Action Planning Network, the Integrated Action Plan is a local output, specific to each city. Thus, the local circumstances, as the concrete actions to be carried out in response to the network's sustainable development challenges, are defined by the URBACT Local Group. This core group is composed by a wide range of relevant stakeholders, who have a stake in the addressed challenge and who play an active role in co-designing the plan alongside the project partner. This document is the result of the interplay between the theme, each city's starting point and its individual URBACT journey. It highlights the positive learning experience cities have undertaken, both from a local and a transnational perspective.
Loulépdf 1.81 mo
Rietipdf 2.24 mo
Burgaspdf 394.39 ko
Krakowpdf 2.1 mo
Usti Nad Labempdf 2.54 mo
Liepajapdf 709.13 ko
Vestfold Countypdf 4.29 mo
Birminghampdf 2.06 mo