La "Tribune URBACT 2011" dédiée aux Groupes de soutien locaux
L e Secrétariat URBACT a produit une nouvelle édition de la Tribune URBACT. Intitulée " Download The Urbact Tribune 2011 (6.25 MB) ", cette...
The 2011 URBACT Tribune dedicated to Local Support Groups now available!
The URBACT Secretariat has produced a new issue of The Urbact Tribune . Entitled "URBACT Local Support Groups", this publication gathers articles...
Capitalising on military heritage: REPAIR Final Conference
Former military or heritage sites provide excellent potential to act as the catalyst for urban regeneration, many consist of historic buildings...
2nd CTUR Thematic Journal: Topics and Case studies on Economic and social benefits
CTUR is an URBACT project made up of 10 European cities looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions in the field of cruise traffic and...
"Heritage as Opportunity" - HerO Results
The cultural heritage of historic cities not only has a role to play in making these cities attractive, it must also adapt to new economic,...
"L'héritage comme opportunité" - Résultats de HerO
Le patrimoine culturel des villes historiques a non seulement un rôle à jouer dans l'attractivité des villes mais il doit aussi s'adapter aux...
What went on during HerO Final Conference?
The URBACT ' HerO - Heritage as Opportunity ' project held its Final Conference in the German Lead Partner city Regensburg on 13th and 14th April...
Portrait de Wolfgang Domian - "Inspirons-nous des bonnes idées des autres !"
Wolfgang Domian, Chef de file du projet URBACT OP-ACT est un homme de convictions. Directeur général des services de la ville de Leoben en Autriche...
Wolfgang Domian Portrait - "Let's be inspired by others' good practices"
Wolfgang Domian, Lead Partner for the URBACT project OP-ACT is a man of conviction. He is General Manager of city services for the city of Leoben ,...
Involvement of Managing Authorities in the URBACT Projects : Results from the survey
The URBACT programme strongly encourages the participation of Managing Authorities of Operational Programmes (ERDF and ESF) in projects' activities...