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"Healthy Sustainable Lifestyles" - videoclip from Building Healthy Communities workshop

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute


Following its last workshop entitled "Healthy Sustainable Lifestyles" that took place from 5-7 March 2010 in Torino, the Building Healthy Communities project has produced a small videoclip with some feedback and comments from the partners and workshop participants.



Healthy Sustainable lifestyles

Health is important for the wellbeing of individuals and society, but a healthy population is also a prerequisite for economic productivity and prosperity. The Lisbon strategy underlines the importance of health as a key factor for economic growth. However there is a limited awareness of the contributions that a "healthy" urban policy can make to tackle challenges in health.

Building Healthy Communities (BHC) project consists of a partnership of 10 cities from seven EU member states who works together in order to capitalise knowledge and practices on urban factors influencing health and to create opportunities for cities to shape and implement healthy policies for their citizens.

You will discover in this videoclip how important city urban regeneration and quality of life are for the project partners and how this project represents an interesting tool and a good mechanism for exploring in depth the topic of quality of life and citizens. Participants explain that sharing experience with others European cities is fascinating and essential in order to develop new, pragmatic, sustainable solutions that can be used by other city practitioners and policy makers in Europe .

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