23 Co-operative city Glasgow / United Kingdom Building new partnerships between public services and local people to foster greater co-design and delivery of local services
5 Urban waterways strategy & action plan Sheffield / United Kingdom Using collaborative planning and partnership to integrate bottom-up local input with top-down strategic priorities
20 Children's council and public youth audience Esplugues / Spain Encouraging young citizens' participation at local level
11 Social clauses in public procurement procedures Avilés / Spain Including social criteria in public recruitment procedures to help disadvantaged people access the labour market in Avilés
18 Bridging the gap Cascais / Portugal A model for cities to strengthen citizen participation and promote participatory democracy.
6 From exorcising ghost estates to creating spirited communities Longford / Ireland Resolving unfinished housing developments in a collaborative manner creating sustainable communities delivered by a targeted team
13 The profile of the city Terrassa / Spain Measuring quality of life and sustainability of medium-sized cities
14 City Tax Management System Genova / Italy A shared resource and governance method for tourism and city promotion
147 Resident service points Rzeszow / Poland A tool for improving residents’ access to public services
13 Atlas of metropolitan spaces Bordeaux / France An atlas of interdependency and interconnections, with a view to implementing efficient partnerships across the territory as a whole