Is Covid a game-changer for the New Leipzig Charter?
Expert Eddy Adams asks about the latest developments and impacts of Covid-19 on the renewed Leipzig Charter.
New times, new tools
Expert Eddy Adams reflects on the impact of Covid-19 on URBACT and transnational cooperation.
Climate change and Covid-19 – a tale of two crises
What if we treated the climate crisis with as much urgency as Covid-19?
Exploring the gendered impacts of Covid-19
A reflection by Sally Kneeshaw, URBACT Programme Expert and Jaimie Just, Policy Advisor CEMR
How are URBACT cities reacting to Covid-19?
At a time when the impact of the pandemic has changed our way of life, cities are showing their resilience.
9 European cities acting together to end homelessness. Ambitious? Hell, yes!
What is homelessness, why is it growing and how innovative housing solutions are bringing it to an end.
The Leipzig Charter and URBACT - an explainer
Why City Labs? Find out more in our explainer.