Thematic Workshop on Urban Planning and Mobility in Orebro (Sweden)
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06 February 2015The first thematic workshop, that took place in Orebro on 1st and 2nd october, was about the topic of Urban Planning and Mobility.

With the support of the Lead Expert Jean-Jacques Terrin, partners went deeper in these issues, especially focusing their exchange of experiences and their discussions on the following key issues, defined by the Lead Expert:
-being sustainable: In your city, is the development of high-speed networks integrated into sustainable planning strategies on both a global and local scale, and how?
-recalling: In your city, does the railway station, this new monument of modernity, keep the memory of a long history merged with the times of industrialisation, and how?
-bringing closer – connecting: What kind of hub do your station constitutes and at which geographic scale: international, inter-regional, metropolitan and urban?
-attracting: What are the levers of your city’s attractiveness, and what are their connections with the railway station?
- producing value: What kind of (new) uses your railway station generates and as a consequence, what new services, linked or not to mobility.
Orebro, Lodz, Gdynia and Reggio Emilia presented their good practices on these issues. Afterwards, partners worked divided into 4 groups, each one specifically focusing on the role that a hub can have:
- hub as a node-interface (hubs as parts of infrastructural systems), coordinated by Lodz
- hub as a gateway (hubs as parts of relational networks), coordinated by Ciudad Real
- hub as a urban centrality (hubs as crucial parts of a city/a region), coordinated by Ulm
-hub as a turbine (hubs as parts of a territory dynamics), coordinated by Preston.
These 4 working groups will be maintained for the whole project duration.
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