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Sharing knowledge

Sharing knowledge is important all along the action-planning cycle as it will help making sense of your actions, disseminating the acquired knowledge with peers and presenting results to an external audience.

The understanding of sharing knowledge in this toolbox is twofold:

  • It is first about capturing and self-reflecting on the lessons learned from one’s actions and making sense of this new knowledge.
  • It is then about gathering and disseminating collective knowledge further, helping to sustain actions and to remain resilient in the face of challenges.

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Book of Ideas

The Book of Ideas is a tool that aims at giving insight on a topic and at providing a set of tools to share the learning acquired in meetings and put it into action.

Critical Friend

The Critical Friend aims at getting critical but yet friendly feedbacks and advices from participants of a transnational meeting or a study visit.


The Walkshop tool aims at providing guidelines on how to encourage active participation, idea exchange and feedback during a walkshop.