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Planning Actions

While designing actions is obviously central to the process of action-planning, it is crucial not to rush into it.

  • Before defining a detailed list of actions, it is important to develop a shared vision with the stakeholders involved, which will help designing SMART objectives.
  • Once a problem is identified and common objectives have been defined, co-creating solutions is the next step. To do this, a safe space should be created for stakeholders to think outside of the box and come to an agreement about the actions to be implemented.
  • In order to design a coherent and meaningful set of actions, it is then important to check if it answers the objectives and vision previously defined and to make sure it is operational.

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Newspaper of Tomorrow

The Newspaper of Tomorrow tool gives you the opportunity to project into the future to create a shared vision on a certain topic.

Performance in Policy-Making

This guide on Performance in Policy-making aims at explaining the intervention logic and the EU results framework to support city practitioners and stakeholders to define measurable policy objectives.

Problem tree

The Problem Tree is a graphical representation of an existing problem, its causes and effects which aims to get a clear and shared understanding of the issue.


The Opera tool is a co-creation method that combines systematic thinking with a creative process for problem solving.

Problems and solutions table

The Problems and Solutions Table aims to identify solutions for each defined problem and the resources required for them to be implemented.

Action Table

The Action Table tool aims at defining activities and outputs to achieve a given objective, it provides an overview of the action planning process.

From Actions to Impacts Game

The From Actions to Impacts Game is a card game to enable further development of Integrated Action Plans by connecting the general Integrated Action Plans into concrete and more detailed actions, impact and indicators.

Refining an action

The Refining an Action Table helps at developing concrete actions by planning them in details, thinking about activities, timescale, outputs resources and obstacles.

Four C's

The Four C's Review sheet helps assessing the Coherence, Completeness, Concerns and Continuation of an action plan, in order to make sure that it doesn’t omit any crucial information.

Integration Assessment Grid

The Integration Assessment Grid aims at examining whether a city covers all types of integration and at assessing the extent of potential progress.

Self-Assessment tool for Integrated Action Plan

The Self-assessment Tool for Integrated Action Plans is a table developed for stakeholder groups to check their own progress with their plans.