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Measuring results

Measuring the results and outputs of an urban strategy/ action plan and setting up the appropriate monitoring and reporting structures is key for the success of delivery. Having a clear view on the progress made towards the change intended will help stakeholders to coordinate and work towards common achievements, to adapt a policy whenever needed and to properly communicate and share about success.

The tools and guidance below are structured around 3 essential elements in order to measure results: objectives, indicators and monitoring.

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Performance in Policy-Making

This guide on Performance in Policy-making aims at explaining the intervention logic and the EU results framework to support city practitioners and stakeholders to define measurable policy objectives.

Performance in Policy-Making

This guide on Performance in Policy-making aims at explaining the intervention logic and the EU results framework to support city practitioners and stakeholders to define measurable policy objectives.

Monitoring involves project visits, detailed discussions with project sponsors to ensure that there are no unforeseen barriers (such as procurement, permits, finance) and dealing proactively with issues that arise in implementation.


Measuring Performance in Implementation

The Guide on Measuring Performance in Implementation outlines the steps and issues associated with setting up efficient monitoring sytems, in order to assist practitioners and ensure that the project contributes to the change intended.

Monitoring & Performance Table

The Monitoring & Performance Table is a support for reflection for the design of a sound monitoring system in order to follow up on the implementation of an action plan.

Self-Assessment tool for Integrated Action Plan

The Self-assessment Tool for Integrated Action Plans is a table developed for stakeholder groups to check their own progress with their plans.