ALT/BAU in 2020: Affordable housing, financial & legal tools and the use of GIS for the reactivation of vacant buildings
ALT/BAU was also disrupted by the COVID 19 pandemic - but fortunately not to a stop! The partners continued to discuss and exchange in 2020 about...
The first steps taken by Iaşi to experiment on urban commons
George Marius Homocianu , Project manager of the City of Iaşi for the Civic eState Transfer Network, on how his city is working to implements policy...
¿Cómo pueden las ciudades promover el derecho a la vivienda?
A lo largo de 2020 los programas URBACT y UIA desarrollarán un trabajo conjunto sobre cómo garantizar el derecho a la vivienda en los municipios de...
Interview: „Wir wollen auch in Zukunft Good Practice bleiben!“
Chemnitz ist Lead-Partner im URBACT-Netzwerk ALT/BAU , das sich mit der Wiederbelebung von historischen Wohngebäuden in von Leerstand betroffenen...
Interview: München will mit URBACT die Kreislaufwirtschaft im Bausektor etablieren
Vor etwa einem Monat fiel beim Kick-Off-Meeting in Utrecht der Startschuss zum URBACT-Aktionsplanungsnetzwerk URGE (circUlaR buildinG citiEs)...
Cities meet in Iași to produce urban regulations unleashing the collective action of their inhabitants
by Christian Iaione (Lead Expert) and Nicola Masella (Lead Partner)
Do you have the answers how to activate and motivate owners and potentials investors to reactivate vacant buildings?
The participating cities of the URBACT ALT/BAU network now have a few answers to these questions. During the Transnational meeting in Constanta, 18-...
Creating temporary space for experimentation about future activities
Nantes has an extraordinary story of systematic urban development over three decates, explored within the REFILL Network . Here I give a short...